
How we can support you on the journey

In less than 2 minutes you can discover if your concerns were indeed correct.

Answer 12 questions about your child to reveal their final score with top tips on where to take ACTION next!

My name is Paloma Forde, the Founder of Award winning Screening4Dyslexia. My mission is to help as many parents as I can in the early detection of dyslexia. If you know your child's profile, you can begin to help them the RIGHT way on their learning journey.

I am an educator, training provider, growth mindset coach, specialised study skills tutor, author and national and international speaker. Take that first step today and let me help you to ensure your child receives the support they need.

Does your child need a dyslexia screening?

Complete the Dyslexia Screening Scoreapp Questions today and within minutes you will receive your child's results.  Then book a FREE Discovery call with me.